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Forum - Allowing submissions no matter what?

2007-06-05 11:45:28
I have installed the HTML code in my form. The image shows up.. But no
matter what you put in.. The form can be submitted!? and the
thankspage are shown!! ... I must have done somethijng wrong?! :)

Form is here:
2007-06-05 12:09:31
I have just tested, seems to be working OK.

2007-06-05 12:17:29
Hi Oleg,

Strange... I just took it off again..
I found this "HTML Light version" that I added to the form...
But no matter what I enter... it allows me to proceed to the "Thank
you page"?

Here are the script:
<a href="" title="Captcha service -!"><img
border="0"></a> Enter the code shown in the image:<br /><input
type="text" style="vertical-align:top;" name="protectwebformcode"
value=""> <img src="">

I will installe it again... So you can see it (Thx for your FAST
reply) :)
2007-06-05 12:50:31
When you install this version, you should also install the code itself
(php, perl, asp).

On the installation page there is
1. Html code
2. Php (perl, asp) code.

You need to update 2! files.
2007-06-05 17:49:00
Ups... I missed that - Not too clear on that page!! hmmm

Ok.. I did add the html kode where ai wanted it.. Added the ASP VB
version in the <% ... %> tags at the top..!!

Renamed the file to ASP and vupti.... Damn

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'

Expected end of statement

/kontakt.asp, line 3

Dim httpRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest =
The error pointer points to the 3. word 'As'

Is that my ISP that didn't upgrade to newer version or just pure
kebab?? lol

Why is it SO difficult to get ASP code to work.. I now tried 117
CAPTHCA asp versions, and NONE is easy... Cut and paste!!
2007-07-24 18:20:51
Hi oleg
I went back to the lite version

So all are done in 3 steps...
I should only add this to my html file?

<a href="" title="Captcha service -!"><img
border="0"></a> Enter the code shown in the image:<br /><input
type="text" style="vertical-align:top;" name="protectwebformcode"
value=""> <img src="">

Inside the <form> tag ... Save and go??

But what about the validation url (when created this code - i was
given 2 url's
one with the number... the other was a validation url? Where do I
enter this?

After *just* doing the lite version - I'm back to where I started...
No matter what I enter in thge security code... I can submit the form

Please help - I am getting swamped by spammers!! (IF I EVER CATCH
ONE....) -- LOL

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