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Forum - Wrong Pass Code Passed

2008-03-12 08:38:58
I am using this on a Wordpress Blog. I installed the plugin a few
months ago, and it worked just fine. However, I just recently noticed
that lately, if you enter the correct code, it still says that the
wrong code was entered.

I tried uninstalling, creating a new wordpress plugin, and then
re-installing with no success.

Any ideas?
2008-03-12 08:45:27
Sorry, it should read "Wrong Protection Code Passed".
2008-03-12 09:03:27
What version of wordpress do you use?
2008-03-12 09:18:17
I am using Wordpress 2.2.2. Would the problem be solved by updating
to the newest version?
2008-03-18 10:13:22
I am having this issue as well. I am running WP 2.3.1 This was
working on January 30th when the last comment was made to my blog (I
don't get many comments) and I was made aware today that is throwing
the "Wrong Protection Code Passed" now, whether using Smart Captha or
not. I have generated tried uninstalling and reinstalling and that did
not help. I have made no changes to my blog that I can think of during
this time.
Please help, I love this feature/plug in and don't want to have to
leave it disabled. I turned it off this morning and have been hammered
with comment spam since (Akismet has caught it but I still have to
sort through it). If you need any information from me please let me
2008-04-10 20:16:33
Same prob. Just installed on WP 2.3.1 and every comment is kicked back
with "wrong code passed" error (plus, if the comment contains
apostrophies , those get commented-out with a back slash during each
failed save attempt).

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