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Forum - PHP and Perl problems

2008-04-24 23:47:37
I can't get Captcha to work properly using either PHP or Perl, each
has their own problem:
PHP - I am using mattfm.php. When I click the submit button, having
typed in the correct image code it ALWAYS gives me the message that
the code doesn't match. I have put the code where it says to put -
right after the <?php at the beginning of the file.

Perl - Because of the host requirements, I am forced to use a host
modified version of When I add the perl code where it
says to put it - right after the #!/usr/bin/perl at the beginning of
the file, I get an @referers error telling me that I need to add the
domain to the @referers array. It is there and it is there correctly,
if I remove the protectwebform code, everything works perfectly.

I'd prefer to use the mattfm.php and it might be the easier of the two
problems to solve but as I've copied the code correctly and put it in
the correct place, I can't see what I can do to get it working. Can
anyone help with this?

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