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Forum - Foreign Languages

2006-11-02 17:22:25
I would like to use this on my 7 guestbooks in foreign languages but
the problem I am having is that even if I generate the Protect WebForm
captcha in it's simple version I get the little speaker icon and that
you can click and then reads the security code in english. I can
translate text to what I need but I have no access to the sound files
to change the numbers and letters. Is there a way to eliminate the
little speaker icon and just skip the sound version???
2006-11-03 02:27:44
You can choose html version without audio and reload button, or,
simply place the audio button in an invisible <div> element.
2006-11-03 07:24:31
OK I see it now. I was looking for the HTML lite version under
Install HTML. I see now that it is under the heading
"Installing on PHP, PERL ASP .NET (C# and VB) driven pages."

Thanks for this great service!!

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